Wednesday, December 1, 2010

No Facebook November

Some thoughts...

I heard Him telling me in October, as I wasted away the hours, viewing the latest status updates, wall posts, and what so-n-so's sisters boyfriends cat (slight exaggeration) was up to. I know it may sound silly to some, but I just knew that voice was telling me to take a break, spend more time doing the things I really enjoyed, and be more disciplined doing things I wish I enjoyed more. And without really knowing what else would come, even if it seemed silly, I must be obedient. So there it became:

No Facebook November. <---those who opt for "No Shave November" instead, okay. To each his own. But I don't understand you.

So, I deleted it from my bookmarks, and deleted it from my phone and let me tell you the freedom that came in this. I felt like I did my job better, as it gave me less of a reason to check my phone during work simply out of habit (now that I don't work at the Bux anymore, I can admit I was naughty:0). I also enjoyed my break times at work, not lost in what new things I could see in a 10 minute break period on facebook, but with time to glance at the newspaper, or to have a conversation with a "regular" customer. I found that conversations had a chance to become more meaningful, beyond "oh, did you see blah blah blah on facebook?" Yes, I "missed out" on some friends wedding pictures, and another friend's baby pictures, but guess what?? They are still there today, December 1st. And super cute, btw. Being facebookless has also helped me be fully present when I am spending time with someone. I hope this isn't all making me sound super lame like all I do is spend time on Facebook, because that's not true. But you know how it is: You are in the car with someone and justneedtocheckyourphoneforonesecond. Because really, what if someone just updated something that MATTERS, like they are baking Christmas Cookies! You need to know (and 'like' it!) right?! Ha. But it's a distraction, and doesn't allow you to be fully invested in your time with that other person.

And the biggest news of all, in my facebookless month: I GOT A NEW JOB!!! Now, I am definitely not linking this to the fact that since I gave FB a rest, I got a new job. But there is something to be said to being obedient, and with less time Facebooking, I filled my time online with more things of value, such as becoming more persistent in my job hunt. (This was a really awesome sequence of events, and God's faithfulness was/is so evident to me. A later blog for sure.)

I will say, I still wish that some things about this month turned out better. That I would have filled the facebookless time with more time with the Lord or reading books or writing letters or knitting or watching Christmas movies (yes, in November). But hey, it's a start, and I can definitely say that this break from social media has been a blessing for sure, and I'm not even all that excited to be back on. Except I am super excited to upload our engagement photos. Cuz they turned out AMAZING, thank you Scotty.

Maybe I'll be back to blogging, maybe it will be another 13 months. Who knows...but if you leave a comment and let me know you read this, I may be more inclined to post again. :)
(and to the other ladies who haven't blogged in a while...Katie...Shey...Katelin...time to get back in the saddle?)

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