Saturday, May 30, 2009

3rd Time's a Charm?? I hope.

Ok let's be honest. Blogging didn't go so well the first time around. Or the second.

Ive been selfish. I love, I mean LOVE, reading people's blogs (and have my google reader all set up to tell me instantly when a new one comes up) but I just haven't been motivated to post any blogs. I've been lazy.

But now that I have a super cute background, (Thank you, Katelin. And soon I will figure out how to make your name click to your blog), I feel inspired again. So silly. :)

Wordpress wasn't cuttin it anymore. I guess I'm not computer savvy enough to figure out how to get that blog in here, but if you care to look at my past posts:

or mine and Katie's roadtrip to Colorado last summer (my first real attempt in the blogging world)

Enjoy :)