Thursday, October 15, 2009

America's Friendliest Airport

I love airports. I took Steph to the airport last night, inhaled a deep breath of Airport Air, and thought, "See ya tomorrow, Sky Harbor." (And really, could there be a cooler name for an airport? I remember like 5 or 8 years ago, when it clicked in my brain why our airport in Phoenix is called Sky Harbor, and I just thought it was so cool. Like a boat harbor. But for planes. Sky Harbor. Yep.)

Fast forward 16 hours later. *Katie* takes me to the airport, and we chat about how it's sorta a pain in the butt to take people to the airport, but it is totally worth it cuz you get to see them for a little bit. And, I mean, it's really helpful. Knowing she has to drive back in traffic, and is already planning on picking me up Monday morning, I am just so thankful for her dropping me off.

Now, I'm not sure if you know this or not, but Sky Harbor is known as America's Friendliest Airport. Not quite sure who decided this, but I would have to agree, and I like to do my part in keeping it that way.

On the way in, riding up the escalator to security, I found myself standing near a girl, maybe 17ish years old, and her father. She had on a Young Life t-shirt, so I made small talk with her, asked her where she led. Her father quickly discovered we were headed towards the same final destination- Chicago.

I soon met up with my friend Mandy, who was flying out of America's Friendliest Airport guessed it...Texas. How cool that our gates were literally right next to each other. We got our Frosty's (Mandy was double-fisting them) and Chinese Food and waited for our flights.

SWEET DEAL: My flight was overbooked. Long story short, I was offered $320 in travel vouchers to fly out tomorrow. Um, YES. I thought it would be easy breezy until I realized that Katie, and only Katie, would need to be the one to pick me up, since I had left my keys in her car an hour earlier.

Lovely *Katie* came to my rescue again, this time with Mindy, but not before I made friends with the Borders employees, did a little shopping, talked to some sweet friends on the phone, and ate my delicious Chinese Food. What a great night at America's Friendliest Airport.

Can't wait to go back in the morning. :)

*name has not been changed, cuz she is awesome and I want to express my gratitude again.

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